Have you ever felt that you were supposed to be bigger, better than you are now? Have you looked at yourself and your gifts and thought about how great you could be if only...? Do you ever just have the feeling that you are supposed to be much greater than you are but you just don’t know how to get there? You don’t know how to get other people to recognize and value your greatness. That can be a very powerful space to inhabit.
There have been times in my life where I had the feeling that I was meant to be so much greater than the way I was showing up. I could feel a greatness within me. I had no idea how to get that greatness from shyly living inside to being boldly exposed. I would step up a little bit every once in a while and show myself that I could really be great, but then a fear, some fear would rear its ugly head and I would shrink back.
One thing that I realized in the shrinking back was that not only was I hiding from the opinions of others, and the fear of failure or success, but I was also hiding my greatness from the world. I was hiding how powerfully feminine I was. I was hiding how brilliant I was. I was hiding how empathetic I was, how supportive I was. There were so many super powers that I was holding back from the world because of the fear. Do you know that fear is only as real as we say it is? It only has the power that we assign to it. Fear is the idea on one side of the door while we stand on the other side. We have our hand on the door knob and we know that everything we want is on the other side of the door and all we have to do is get passed the fear. The problem is that over our lives, we have assigned so much power to the fears that it feels like a real thing. A huge thing that is standing in the way of us getting to our stuff. If you can recall a time that you were terrified of doing something but you did it anyway, once you were actually doing it, you realized it wasn’t that scary after all. You realize that the fear was not really as big or as real as you thought it was.
That is one reason why no matter how afraid you are, you have to do the thing anyway. You have to turn the knob and open the door and face the fear head on .If you get nothing else from it, you’ll get the understanding that the fear is not that big, not that real. This gives you the confidence that you need to open the door the next time with the knowledge that, yeah the fear might be there, but just like last time, it won’t be as bad as you think. So what are you hiding? What gift do you have that the world has been waiting for? What are you hiding from? Take a good look at your boogie monster and realize that you created it and your creation can not be more powerful than you. All is always well. Open the door, step out of the shadow and give yourself permission to shine in your own light.